
Sunday 18 December 2016

Breaking the Silence: Both the Hutu and Tutsi should Apologise to Batwa

The Rwandan society is never visually communicated well by Artists because everything in Rwanda has been distorted to fit the Hutu and Tutsi narrative that has hijacked the true Rwandan culture.
The other main big problem with today’s Rwanda is the lack of creative minded people and the knowledge of their true story – those that are historically known for their creativity- the Batwa people; have been neglected, abused and denied the right to live a dignified life in their ancestral land. The loss of a creative culture through a systematic discriminative policy of the Batwa by both the Tutsi and Hutu respectively, has led to Batwa genocide and a cultural identity crisis in Rwanda. The descendants of Batwa of Japan are doing well when it comes to creativity, because Japanese have not carried out a discriminative policy.

What the Bantu and Hamitic migrants to central Alkebulan (the great Lakes of Africa) did, was to exterminate the Batwa heritage. The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Alkebu-lan “mother of mankind” or “garden of eden” so you better remember and teach it to your children!! 
The name Africa is named after a Roman warlord Called Scipio Africanus ( uhh, imagine having a name called Afric anus). Now you can understand why Africa has endless wars.

Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Abyssinians(Ethiopians). Like all methods of manipulation the Romans sought to completely disconnect the indigenous Africans from their culture, deities, and knowledge. Just like the ancient colonisers before them-today’s modern coloniser, refers to Alkebulan “Africa” as the third world instead of the first world.

The Batwa were the first Alkebulan people and they created the first advanced civilisation worldwide-they were very advanced navigators,etc.


The first Paleolithic person was the Twa who had evolved in Central Alkebulan at the source of the Nile Valley and from here all originated (civilisation) and was carried throughout the world.The Batwa created religion and are the first humans. The first  Egyptwa  (later renamed Egypt by the Roman colonisers) gods were Twa (Ptah, Bes) and the goddess were Twa.

Batwa are the original owners of the Adam story, God, Garden of Paradise, sacred tree. A noble Mutwa man made of earth and a wicked Mutwa woman who led him to sin. God ban a single fruit, the woman asking the man to eat the fruit. Then God punished Batwa sinners. The Batwa believed in a father God who was killed. A virgin mother who gave birth to a Saviour son who avenged the death of his father. These became Osiris, Isis, Horus of Egypt.
The Batwa had developed in the distant past a highly technical and advanced type of material culture and they built boats-travelling all over the world. But civilisation brought them nothing but bad luck, so preferring happiness to misery, they finally gave up this high material civilisation. The Batwa fossils have been found in all parts of the world.

Many Chinese, Japanese and Mayan are the same 5’0″ size of the Batwa because they are descendant of Batwa people. If you look closely, you can see their Twa phenotype. They look outside like the Batwa and other African ethnic group mixed with other people and their descendant who are really the same African people look different. 

Also try to listen the way Japanese words are pronounced-without a doubt, 80% is Twa pronunciation for example (Batwa-Arakote changed to Urakote, then Urakoze, for thank you: In Japanese for the same word its, Arigato. We should all remember that the language called Kinyarwanda is less than 100 years, and was originally called Kihutu , but before it was Tu and spoken in the entire Central Alkebulan (great lakes region). Its even very common for contemporary Hutu and Tutsi to make jokes on the way Twa pronounce words.
You can try and also observe the humbleness among Chinese, Japanese and Mayan, its very Twa
The more you take a closer look at the above groups with their brown skin off, you'll see a Twa before you. It's very amazing how everyone became blind..... also observe the love for nature by the above groups and how it came about-its the Twa heritage at work.

Th Global Batwa

Its the Batwa that introduced Marijuana-Weed to the world.The Batwa lived from the Nile Valley to Mali (called Tellen). They lived in Portugal, Germany and England (called Picts and Lapps). They lived in Scandinavia were they were called Finns(Finland was named after them).

The Batwa lived in Groeland, Canada(called Skraelings), North America (called mounds builders). They lived in the tip of South America where they are called the Fuegians.
Moving West to Hawaii where the Batwa were called Menehune. In the Phillipine Islands they were called Negritos by the Spanish.In Indonesia on the Island of Flores skeletons of Batwa were called Hobbits. In India we find the Batwa on Islands in the bay of bengals where they are called Andaman Islanders.The Batwa are found all over the world.

The Batwa are responsible for most of the Art that you see today scattered everywhere in Egypt plus the music & poems.

Bes is an Ancient Egyptian deity worshiped as a protector of households, and in particular, of mothers and children and childbirth. Bes later came to be regarded as the defender of everything good and the enemy of all that is bad
Easily recognized by his gnome-like stature, curly beard, feathered crown and perpetually protruding tongue, Bes was a unique and popular member of the ancient Egyptian pantheon. Unlike the more familiar gods who were always featured in iconic picture-perfect profile, the undersized and over-stuffed Bes was usually depicted in a full frontal position – perhaps because he lacked a classic ‘best side’.
Celebrated as the full-service protector god who served as the champion of everything good and the protector against anything bad, Bes had a long and impressive list of deity duties, including:

 Protector of Women.

Bes was especially important during pregnancy and childbirth when the ancients believed mother and child were most at risk from evil and destructive forces. Images of Bes were often depicted on the walls of birthing chambers, and on the semi-circular magical (apotropaic) wands of protection and the grotesque masks utilized as defensive magic on behalf of the mother and child during the birthing rituals. Bes can still be seen standing guard atop of each of the stone columns surrounding the ancient birthing chambers at Dendara and Edfu.

Protector and Entertainer of Children.

To showcase Bes’s power over all manner of misfortune, the Metternich Stela and other such carvings (referred to as “Cippi of Horus”), depict young Horus clutching snakes and scorpions while trampling a crocodile under Bes’s protective gaze. Although known as a fierce fighter and protector, Bes also enjoyed a happy and jovial side and was thought to entertain children by singing and dancing. In fact, the ancients believed that if a baby smiled for no apparent reason, it was because Bes was making silly faces or tickling him. One of the earliest known trickster deities, Bes made good use of his playful side.

Guardian against Nightmares and Dangerous Animals of the Night.

As a protective deity, Bes was especially adept at vanquishing poisonous snakes and dangerous animals of the night, which explains why decorative likenesses of Bes were routinely carved into ancient Egyptian beds, including the one used by young King Tut. It was also common practice for a mother to draw a stylized likeness of Bes on the left palm of her child before bedtime, and then gently wrap the hand in dark cloth that had been blessed by Isis. This ritual was thought to invite Bes into the child’s dreams for the purpose of warding off inauspicious dreams and nightmares (referred to as “night hags”), and to protect the sleeping child during the precarious hours of the night.

Patron of Warriors, Hunters and Travelers.

Expanding his role as the Protector of Children, Bes also served as the champion of all under his protection. His fierce face, complete with the ever-taunting tongue, was featured on the shields, chariots and other battle regalia of the ancient Egyptians, and subsequently, the Romans. Soldiers were known to drink beer from Bes-shaped mugs as a deterrent to injury in battle. Moreover, evidence is mounting that Bes was brought to the New World (South America) by the Phoenicians, many centuries before Columbus was born.

Patron of Joy, Music, Dancing and Merrymaking.

In sharp contrast to his fierce protective aspects, the impish Bes was also associated with entertainment, laughter and happiness. This is due to the ancients belief in duality; balance in all things. Because of his comical character, it has been theorized that Bes may have been the most likely inspiration for the diminutive Court Jesters who entertained the royals in medieval times. Frequently depicted playing a harp, flute or tambourine while singing and dancing, we do know that Bes Festivals were very popular among the ancient Egyptians, and that these events generated a wildly joyful temperament through music and general merrymaking.

Guardian of Families and Keeper of Domestic Happiness.

Unlike the official 42 state gods who could only be approached through the temple priests, Bes was considered a household deity available to everyone. Subcategories of this particular deity-duty included his role as a fertility god. In fact, archaeologists have recently discovered a Bes Chamber (also known as an “incubation chamber”) in Saqqara. Women having difficulty becoming pregnant would visit the chamber, perhaps spending the night, in the hope Bes would increase their chances of conception. Bes even had his own oracle in the funerary temple of Seti I at Abydos where questions were submitted to him regarding various domestic concerns. As the ‘patron of fashion (who can forget his stylish leopard skin wrap, rakishly belted with a live snake?) and cosmetics,’ Bes was often depicted on cosmetic jars and mirrors. Bes also served a welcome role as the ‘encourager of toilet training.’

God of Good Fortune, Luck and Probability.

The original lucky charm, it was believed that the diminutive Bes brought good luck and prosperity - but only to those who deserved it; an image which was later adapted by the Irish as the illusive Leprechaun. Even today, Bes plays a continuing cameo comic-book role in the Marvel Universe as the god of luck and probability where his superpowers include superhuman strength, longevity and resistance to harm as well as the ability to create good luck and bend probability to his advantage.

 God of Commerce.

As the god of commerce, Bes was charged with the important duty of presiding over and protecting the Merchant Priesthood of ancient Egypt. The Merchant Priests were responsible for assuring abundance by carefully monitoring the flow of goods throughout the land. Aside from the actual physical flow of the material commodities, the ancients also believed these goods were imbued with spiritual powers that helped to maintain the necessary balance of energy. Because of the dwarf-like body of their ancient protector Bes, a short and portly body-type was often seen as a sign that an individual was destined to become a member of the Merchant Priesthood.

 Guardian of the Vineyards.

The only known temple in all of Egypt dedicated solely to Bes was found near the ancient vineyards of the Baharia Oasis, where Bes served as the protector of the grapes and dates used in making wine – their most important commodity. The ancients also entrusted Bes with the critical task of protecting the integrity of the finished product. That is why the ancient Egyptians stored their wine in Bes-shaped jugs. In his role as one of the original nature spirits, Bes was probably the inspiration for the Celtic Green Man who was also depicted in full-face with a familiar lolling tongue.

 Guardian Against All Manner of Misfortune.

Coupled with his odd facial features (wide eyes bulging from under raised and bushy eyebrows, a flattened nose with wide nostrils, and full bushy beard), Bes’s perpetually protruding tongue was a sign of challenge meant to repulse and frighten away all evil spirits and evil-doers. Bes most likely served as the inspiration for the lolling-tongued gargoyles who continue to protect the cathedrals of Europe, as well as the portals, gates and home entrances throughout the Mediterranean.

Now is it really worth it for the Hutu and Tutsi of Rwanda to continue discriminating Batwa or you're just naturally stupid and that's why you love killing each other??  
Tell me Rwandans, what was your language then, and whose language are you speaking now? Please wake up from your deep slumber and stop discriminating Batwa or else, Rwanda will continue to be a cursed Land!!

Next-time I look at the Plight of Batwa in Uganda,Burundi, and Congo.

Joram  Jojo
Free Rwanda Communications

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