
Sunday 23 October 2016

The New Free Rwanda Media Delegate

Salute to all Rwandans ,
Its a pleasure to announce that I've been tasked to develop and delegate Free Rwanda communication. It was very easy for me to agree to the challenge as the Free Rwanda media developer and delegate. The collective unanimously agreed that I was the right person for the task.
What exactly does this task involve?

  • Develop content
  • Develop media platforms (websites & Applications)
  • Train and Recruit media Activists
  • Promote Free Rwanda Political ideology
  • Work with grass root communities both in Rwanda and Diaspora

 What will the Media Coordinator bring new to Free Rwanda?

I'm not bringing anything new, but improving on the 3 Ps; Passion, Professionalism, and Product design.  The three Ps have always been there but not properly implemented.

How Much will it cost?

This is a very important question;  I don't believe in any form of payment when it comes to people's rights and freedoms. However, the only thing I'll need and expect from the Free Rwanda Collective, is to let me be flexible in my creativity.

What do I think about the Task? 

The task is very interesting and also a challenge-for me to bring a new form of communication not only to Rwanda, but the global Leftists community.

I thank the Free Rwanda Collective from the bottom of my heart, for having trusted and welcomed me with open hands.

Viva Rwanda! Viva Free Rwanda!


Joram Jojo

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