The future of Rwanda information decimation will mean to think out of the box and embrace new tools of communication.
What exactly will the Free Rwanda Broadcasting studios Produce?
The broadcasting studio will not produce programs, but broadcast its own produced programs ranging from: Documentaries, music videos, films, talk/discussion shows, drama, etc.We all agreed that we leave radio production alone as its not challenging and if anything, it wont meet our main objective.
However, this studio is enormous and robust to broadcast 360 degrees media content. Think of it as a new broadcasting revolution.
When this studio is in operation, its our creativity that will limit us, but the possibilities to break the Rwanda dictatorship propaganda machine are limitless.
Maybe at this time it might not make sense to some people, but when we begin to broadcast, then everything will become clear.
This is just 1% of Free Rwanda Media platforms of the future.
We shall be sending out a communiqué to Artists, the youth,community leaders, etc, in Rwanda and around the world on how to get involved.
This space has no borders or barriers.....
Free Rwanda Communication
Joram Jojo
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