
Wednesday 28 June 2017

Rwanda elections were rigged the day the constitution was raped

We all know that, the Rwanda elections were rigged the day the constitution was raped by Paul Kagame and his RPF gang. However, depending on what you want to hear coming from dictator Paul Kagame’s mouth, one is left with no choice, but sympathy for the little fuck. When the same lie, is told over and over again…..What do you do? You just seat back and laugh or cheer the dictator.

Saturday 3 June 2017

Paul Kagame's addiction is Bankrupting Rwanda

The one thing that Rwandans don't know about their creepy president, is the addiction to gambling. Its not today that Pilato aka Paul Kagame has started gambling, his addiction goes way back to the time when he was a vagabond in Kampala, before escaping from his debtors to the bush to seek sanctuary with Yoweri Museveni's militia. Of-course he never did any fighting but spent most of the time riding a bicycle, playing Matatu/Karata/cyanisi(east africa game card)and executing people.

Thursday 1 June 2017

The Rwanda Fake Presidential Elections benefits only Paul Kagame

Today, the world and the international community, are being misled into believing that this year, Rwanda will be holding free and fair Presidential elections. Its true that elections will be taking place in Rwanda, as a formality to legalise Paul Kagame as a democratic. However, you can’t have a free and fair election process under a dictatorship and expect to win.

Sunday 1 January 2017

Free Rwanda Political Organisation to fight Political Waste of Space

As we begin a new year of 2017, the Rwandan Political groups(95%) are not yet clear to where they stand in terms of ideology. This New year will have so many things happening, and we don’t want Rwandans to continue just following individuals that have No clear Political ideology.

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